Monday 12 October 2015

The Difference Between a Crib Mattress and a Twin Mattress

When you are selecting a mattress for your children, you have to make sure that you are selecting the best one for them. You have to buy a mattress which can be beneficial for the child's proper sleep as well as you can use the same mattress for a longer period of time. Thus you need to do proper research before buying the perfect mattress for your child. You have to know the difference between a crib mattress and a twin mattress properly before you buy one for your child. While making the choice make sure that the growth of child is occurring properly while he is sleeping or playing on his bed. Then only you can get best out of your decision.

Here are some of the differences between the twin mattress and crib mattress:

Sizes of The Crib Mattress

The basic size of the crib mattress according the federal regulations is 51 inches in length and 27 inches in width. There is a safety risk also if two fingers fit side by side between the mattress and the side of the crib. Moreover, a child can only sleep on the crib mattress till he/she is 3 and half feet tall.

On the other hand, the twin is 75 inches in length and 39 inches in width. This is considered to be the smallest of all. A person who is generally 5 feet 7 inches or lesser in height can fit into this mattress properly. For the ones who are taller the best suited is Twin XL one. It comes with additional 5 inches with the total length of the Twin.

Types of Mattresses

There are two types of crib mattresses which you can also find in the twin. One of the two types is the foam mattress which is light as well as easy to pick up for the changing the sheets. But lighter does not mean it is better. The most important thing is to have a higher density and increase the firmness as well.

Another type is the spring mattress which you can find in the twin mattress as well. But the density varies from one mattress to another depending on the types of spring used. Twin comes with pillow toppers or foam toppers. Thus, the density provided by the coils is not so important.

Coverings of Mattress

The Crib mattress comes with either nylon or vinyl coverings. But the twin mattress on the other hand, does not have any coverings. The nylon coverings are more durable against any kind of tears. You can buy coverings for twin mattresses which comes with a fabric covering or some kind of padding to make the bedding a lot more comfortable.

So, these are the basic and most important differences between the crib mattress and the twin mattress. While buying the mattress you have to also consider the safety features which is very much important. Another thing is that if you are buying this for your child then the mattress should proper ventilation otherwise it can be harmful for the child.

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